State Aviation Distinguished Service Award |
In 1989, the Board of Directors of the National Association of State Aviation Officials established the State Aviation Distinguished Service Award to honor State Aviation personnel who have excelled in their service and dedication to aviation progress and development in their state. Recognizing that the vitality and effectiveness of a state aviation agency directly reflects the quality of agency personnel, NASAO resolved to identify and honor a staff member that has performed in an exemplary manner and whose contributions will serve as an inspiration to other state aviation agency personnel. The recipient will receive the award at the NASAO Annual Convention & Trade Show. ELIGIBILITYThe State Aviation Distinguished Service Award is open to any employee of a state aviation agency, excluding the director or acting director. Nominees must have been employed by the state aviation agency during 2024. NOMINATION PROCEDURENominations must be typed, submitted electronically and include:
JUDGINGThe NASAO Executive Board shall serve as the judges. Judges will be asked to rank each nominee and to consider the degree to which they: (1) have made an extraordinary contribution to the aviation community through their superior service to their state agency program; or (2) have made an outstanding contribution on either a sustained basis or through performance of a single exceptional deed or project; and/or (3) have made a contribution within their area of responsibility which can be readily adapted by other state aviation personnel to improve the quality and effectiveness of state aviation services. THE NOMINATION DEADLINEEach state may submit only one entry. All entries must be received by Friday, June 28, 2024. CONTACTPlease send the electronic nomination to: PAST RECIPIENTS OF THE STATE AVIATION DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD
2/26/2025 » 2/28/2025
NASAO 2025 Washington Conference